Testing employees for COVID-19

With the government renewing calls for all employees who can do so to continue working from home, for some companies it’s just business as usual – albeit a very different ‘usual’ than eight months ago. But for those that require a physically present workforce, the announcement is neither help nor hindrance. Those businesses are still very much relying on employees showing up for work and being effective in their roles. 

Read the full article on peoplemanagement.co.uk

COVID-19 is a new disease that can affect your breathing and airways. It is caused by the coronavirus. Major symptoms include a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. To help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), avoid close contact with anyone you do not live with and wash your hands frequently. You can usually treat mild coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms at home. However if your symptoms are severe, you may need to seek medical care until you recover.
