It’s not always 100% clear whether or not a set of twins is identical. But thanks to advances in DNA testing technology, it’s possible to know for certain in as little as 24 hours.
Continue reading You can now test to see if a set of twins are identical for around £100
Zygosity twin testing is used to determine whether multiple children from the same birth (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.) are genetically identical or not. If siblings are identical, they are known as monozygotic. This means that they were formed from a single fertilised egg, which went on to split into separate embryos. It also means that their DNA is exactly the same...
Buy a Twin DNA test here
Being told that you’re expecting multiple births can be a shock to many parents. Some mothers may be thrilled, and even relieved, that they are carrying healthy babies and have created an instant family unit. Others may dread the implications, not only the increased parenting skills required, but the practicalities of extra demands on finances, logistics and their time.
Continue reading Zygosity Twin Testing Explained
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